Yeah, I know what's going on right now. Your eyes, alert and focused, are zeroing in on the the words "Dark Shadows". And before you ask, the answer is no. "Dark Shadows" is not my Bond girl innuendo. Nor is it my my Avengers identity or my stripper name. Ok, lets forget about the DS for a moment. What I really want you to pay attention to is the date towards the bottom of the picture. May 11th... A glorious, wonderful day that claims the birth of a number of coolbeans people. Let's see... there's Salvador Dali, the great surrealist painter. Also you have Martha Graham, the innovator of modern dance. Oh yeah, we can't forget Peter North, the great Pornstar best known for his work in "Johnny Come Greatly" (Gee, thanks Wikipedia by way of Google for that info). And then, there's just little ol' me. That's right, May 11th is my birthday! Way back when, on Mother's Day 1984, 11:46pm, just when everyone thought that I wouldn't be showing up until the 12th, I pulled a "SIKE" and came on out into the world. Tadaaaa!
Birthday's are preeeety important to me. I don't know what it is. It's like Kevin McCallister and Christmas trees... I'm just super into (excited about, a fan of) celebrating another year of life. For the last few yearly celebrations, I've created a multiple day event dedicated to honoring my increase in age, wisdom and all the new blessings in the year to come. Its called MAKIAPALOOZA! *Side note*(Makiapalooza is often said with both fists raised in the air and a slightly wild look in the eyes of the speaker). Anyhoo, it's just a designated few days for me to just be more indulgent than usual and happy that I'm here. Those days almost always involve plenty of personal time, reflection of past and future events and a HELLA good time with the people I love. Makiapalooza 2012 was no different...
About a week and a half before "Makiapalooza" started, I had my wisdom teeth removed (Not fun by the way) and spent the next I don't know how many days at home in my bed. Due to being heavily influenced by the Mary Poppins of prescriptions, going outside and interacting with the world was not a good idea. So, when the official 1st day of my festivities began ( and I woke up with absolutely no pain in my mouth... yippeee!) I was anxious to emerge from the hibernation cave that was my apartment and treat myself to various outings in NYC. Most of my personal celebrations consisted of eating real food (you never know how much you miss chewing until its taken away from you for a few days), lying in the park with my book, a mani pedi, and an AM showing of "The Avengers", where I kicked back in the half empty theater and confirmed my crush on Mark Ruffalo. A haze of lazy activity. Buzzing with enough stored energy to power the entire dance crew on a MC Hammer video, I was ready for the real hootenanny to begin!
Armed with 2 tickets (courtesy of the local radio station), my friend Stacey and I headed to Beacon Theater to see The Beach Boys for their 50th anniversary tour.
Self Explanatory Picture
Oh man, the show was amazing! 50 years *sigh*. These guys have so much history and I was honored to celebrate with them. They, of course, sang all the hits. Brian Wilson, and his super falsetto... Mike Love, or "Dr. Love" ( a name that adorned the t-shirts of a number of 60 plus ladies) pointing and flirting with all the women in the crowd... staggering fun times. The magnificence of the show was topped off by none other than John "Uncle Jesse" Stamos. Yep, The Stamos introduced The Beach Boys and even came out for a few songs. He sang, he played the bongos, he basically punched the audience in the face with a dose on 90's nostalgia. Man, I miss "Full House". It took everything I had not to shout for Jesse and the Rippers. The guy behind me didn't have as much luck controlling the shouting urges. He happily and energetically shouted "STAMOS!!" every time ol' John kablamed us with his presence on stage.
My favorite part of the show came in the faces and sounds of the fans in the audience. You could absolutely tell that the majority of the people in that room were long time, die hard Beach Boys fans. The way a person would scream and throw their hands up in the air when a favorite song would start... you knew that person was reliving the first time they heard that song or a life altering memory associated with the lyrics. For example: The guy in front of me seemed to have an intense connection with the song "Wouldn't It Be Nice". For most of the show, he, like all of us grooved and sang along. But, when that song started he couldn't help himself. He jumped up and fully embodied the music. It was fun standing behind him and watching his joy. Instead of angling my recording slightly to the right to see the stage, I kept the camera on him.
I had my own little moment with the song "God Only Knows". Love x3 that song! It was so amazing to hear it live. For just a little while I was a crazy fan completely in my own world. During the performance of "In My Room" everyone sat down to enjoy the slow jam in peace. Toward the front, and older couple remained standing. Their arms were wrapped around each other as they swayed side to side as if they were the only two people in the room. This was their song. With everyone else ignored, they lived for those few minutes in a memory. It was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. I want that one day.
With the show wrapping to a close, we all entered the land of "Kokomo" and got one last "Good Vibration" before leaving. Congrats Beach Boys. You still got it and your music will continue to evoke the reactions I saw that night. Bangerang good show!
My sentiments exactly sir.
If you have ever read my blog, you know that I am a huge fan of Brooklyn Bowl's Thursday night "Bowl Train". After my friend Erin landed in NYC we spent the day preparing for the that night's Bowl Train extravaganza, eager to see what Quest Love would spin for our dance moves. With the passing of Beastie Boys MCA fresh on the minds of music lovers around the world, the Brooklyn Bowl had it's own way of saying thank you to Adam Yauch. Instead of the normal decade interchangeable smorgasbord of music, Quest Love played an all Beastie Boys hip hop bomb interlaced with a few songs that influenced the group. Episodes of Soul Train featuring Beastie Boys performances played on all the TV screens. And the dance floor was crowded with individuals giving their own Beastie Boys concert. I don't know if you know this but, Beastie Boys music + Bowling+ An undisclosed amount of Whiskey Sours+ wonderful friends (side hip bump to Ann, Sophia, and E.Capps) + Erin Capps "should be busted out more often" legendary dance moves = a rockin' good time! We bowled, danced and the staff was nice enough to bring me a delicious ice cream sundae complete with a B-day candle. I blew the candle out and made a wish for my 28th year while "Intergalactic" blasted in the back ground.
Besides my annual dance to "Happy Birthday" By Altered Images, I had know idea what was going to happen that day. My friends, the amazing people that they are, had a surprise for me and I couldn't help my kid on Christmas bouncing up and down. I spent the day chatting with friends and reliving the day of my birthday with my mom over the phone. That evening, I got my surprise in the form of a Broadway ticket to see "Sister Act"! It was such an amazing show. I had no idea what to expect. Raven Simone led a cast of extreme talents in a highly entertaining spectacle. I still have some of the songs stuck in my head. The set was fantastic, the costumes amazing and the experience motivating. Seeing a show or films or television program is like fuel to me. It reminds me why I chose this business. Story telling. It's what I do. Whether it's through writing or the spoken word I am a re-narrative of imagination. My friends hit the nail on the head with that gift, as they usually do. My cheeks were in pain from smiling so much during that show.
We ended the night on the roof of my apartment building with a bottle of champagne and music. I honestly couldn't ask for a better Birthday. Sitting there with two of my sisters, friends and family that weren't there with me but ever present in my heart and mind, I sent a cheers towards the sky line and thought 28 is starting off with the highest of kicks.
Me, doing my very best Sister Act
Palooza concluded with a giant jumble of mimosas, rooftop chats, chick flicks and sleeping until the afternoon. My gosh, I seriously can't believe I'm 28. When I was a young girl, it seemed like such a far away age... almost incomprehensible. I still feel like fresh meat in this world, which... I am. 10 years ago when I graduated high school (sheesh), I had no idea what to expect for when my reunion came up. What stories would I have to tell? What will I be doing? The person I imagined at 28 is completely different than the person I currently am. It's a good thing. I love where I am in life right now. Not completely young and foolish, but not quite the full fledged worldly adult. There's a kind of spontaneity to this period in our youth. My cousin sent me a message on my birthday that said "Happy 28th! Welcome to the best year of your life so far!" I truly believe that. I have no idea what 28 will bring but this feeling... the kind of excitement you feel when you jumped off a diving board for the first time or the buzz you get before a first kiss, it's crackling around me. Consider me amped! Here comes the 28th adventure :P.
I did it! I completed my detox like a champ. It was honestly one of the best things I could have done for my body. You learn so much about yourself and your own will power and, what can I say, I'm proud. I'm actually planning to continue eating the foods on my detox list starting in the next day or so. While on the program, I had so much energy and I felt amazing. It was helping me get healthy and I didn't feel the sluggish, heavy feeling that surrounded me before. I think I owe it to myself to try it out longer. Not on a completely strict basis but, more of a guide. Not eating junk wasn't as hard as I imagined. I'll be starting back up my tumblr blog soon, following my recipe choices and exercise methods and etc. Please feel free to visit if ya wanna know how the war on weight is fairing up. The Pudge Diaries
I'm sure you can tell but, Makiapalooza was definitely amazing this year. I want all of my friends and family to know that I am so thankful for each and every one of you. The awesome messages I received, the tokens in the mail, the singing on my voicemail... I don't know how to say thank you enough. That's my true gift every year. The people in my life. Until next time.....
3 Things That Are Seducing My Entertainment Buds
1). Degeneration X
Have you ever seen a play that gets under your skin? You feel the characters so much that you swear they are real people. You relate to them and talk about them as if they are real. That was my experience when seeing Perf Productions Multimedia play Degeneration X. Meredith Edwards, Director and Co-creator with Leah Bachar introduces us to Xavier, an artist living in Brooklyn, NY who struggles with migraines, hallucinations and the ability to tell the difference between what's real, and what's imaginary. We follow Xavier as everything in his world becomes more and more chaotic.
I'm not a professional reviewer. It's hard for me to tell you all about the technical genius of this show. I can only tell you what I felt. To me, the show was brilliant. The characters were complex and genuine and there wasn't one time where I wasn't completely engrossed in the story. Watching the story jump back and forth between the stage world and the film world gave the play such a well rounded energy and brought you deeper into the roller coaster that was Xavier's mind and emotions. Top it off with wonderful artwork by Shmee and an incredible cast, you got a creative, colorful show. I can't wait to see it again!
Perf Productions
2).The Shack By WM Paul Young
One ordinary day, you check your mailbox and there, in a plain white envelope, is a letter from God inviting you to a location to meet with him for a weekend. Would you go? Yeah, it sounds a bit suspicious and most of us would probably write it off as a joke. But, what if it was real? In this book, we follow a man who, while going through an awful, Great Sadness, receives a chance to talk with God. What would you say? What answers would I need to hear? These questions and more run through my head every time I turn the page while reading this book. What I really love most about this book is its ability to not preach at you, not try to convert you.... it's a wonderful story of faith, and a struggle for understanding. Trust me guys, give it a shot.
3). ABC's "Scandal"
I've been hearing about this show for a while now and I finally had time to start it a couple of days ago. Well, I am really, really diggin' on this show. 3 cheers to Shonda Rhimes, Judy Smith and the star Kerry Washington. Its a super clever show about a group of individuals, led by the "Trust Your Gut" believer Olivia Pope, who are basically professional "fixers". They make problems go away. I've already finished the entire 7 episodes of the first season and I am completely sucked in. Bravo. If you are looking for something to watch on a rainy day... you know what to do.
Love Always,
The girl who survived her first year in the Big Apple Jungle