You might as well stamp "Cliche" across my face baby because I fell for it. When I looked at my bank account a couple of months ago, my first thought was "Somebody better call the LAW because I was a victim of fraud... identity theft... SOMEONE STOLE MY VISA!" But alas, my visa was resting in my wallet and I realized that the only thing that stole my money was my own stupidity. Ahhh the pangs and bangs of growing up. Gotta love it. I was now enjoying another wonderful life experience called " Being A Struggling Artist". After the words "Well Sh*t!" pathetically left my lips and I stopped giving stink eye to my reflection in the mirror, I decided to re budget my cash flow so that I could not only hold on to the money I had left, but also add more money to my savings... or as I like to call it, "Fattening up Hansel with goodies".
Not This Hansel...
This Hansel. Wow... That story was really not right at all.
So here I am now, writing to you as a sassy broad on a budget. Now that most of my money is going towards making my savings account look like it was brought to you by Chris Nolan, I can no longer just up and delight myself in costly activities. Balance is the key word I've learned. I don't have to confine myself my Bushwick apartment but, I did have to learn to say NO to myself sometimes. Saying no for me is a tug of war of emotions sometimes. I know I should save money, but I also don't want to miss out on those "life memories". Back and forth, tug and pull between living and buyers remorse. Plus, I had to learn to prioritize. Go out to eat every single day or get new headshots? Headshots duh! Do I want to go to a concert or fly to NC to see my family and friends. Clearly the family and friends won over... Clearly the concert in competition was NOT Muse (j/k fam... I love you guys). The important idea that I had to latch onto (and I am still working on keeping it in my head at times) is that there are fun times to be had all over this wonderful city without burning a hole in you pocket. Living the cheap life forces you to get a bit creative. The truth is, sometimes, it's kind of fun. You feel like a Goonie on a life changing quest for the FREE - $10 range entertainment treasure. Thus has been my life for the past couple of weeks. I've been on the hunt for Good Ol' Times that will leave me with money to spare and get me up and out of my room.
So here it is folks... the greatest hits of my limited dollars. If you are planning on visiting NYC anytime soon, I suggest you check a few of these bad boys out. Low in cost but expensive in worth.
Grand Central Station Walking Tour
When: Whenever the FLIP you wanna
Cost: FREE
Fun-O-Meter: It hit about a 9 on the scale. I really enjoyed it!
Ah Grand Central Station. What an amazing landmark. I've seen it so many times in movies. It has this beautiful, romantic appeal to me. People going and arriving under the massive ceiling of stars... the sun streaming in through the windows hitting the clock tower just right. The place has so much history. Well, for the the grand old price of not a dang thang, you can have your very on walking tour of Grand Central Station. All you have to do is go to the Grand Central Terminal website, print out the walking tour facts and head on over. My roommate and I did this and it was tons of fun. Plus, you have the added bonus of people watching. Its a win win. Give it a shot!
Free Movie Summers
When: Pretty much everyday of the week
Cost: FREE... DUH.
Fun-O-Meter: Ummm free movies, outdoors... well obviously I give it like an 11.
During the Summers in NYC, you can pretty much expect the opportunity to see a free outdoor movie any night of the week. Love, love, love this. They usually show movies that greatly impacted my child-teenage heart. Nothing says "I love life" like seeing "Jurassic Park " on the big screen surrounded by people who love the movie just as much as you do. Last Wednesday, my roommate and I saw "Cruel Intentions" in MaCcareen Park. A blast isn't even enough of a description. Seriously, that movie use to make my heart pound and my eyes puff with tears. At the age of 28, I'm afraid that I am still affected by the song "Colorblind". When that scene came up I had to fan my eyeballs... like a loser. Just check online for the 2012 outdoor movie schedule and you are sure to find something that tickles your taste buds.
MTA Transit Museum
When: Tuesday - Sunday
Cost: $7
Surprisingly interesting. I went here thinking that I would get a
little history, a little fun and the added bonus of staying out of the
heat. But, learning about the subways and how NYC runs its
transportation was really cool. Its located in an old subway station! My
favorite part was going through all the old subway cars. The ones used
in the early 1900's were so luxurious. It was interesting to see how
they changed.
Rockwood Music Hall
When: Every Night
Cost: Most of the shows are free but some cost. Check the website before heading over
Love this place. I've been alot since I've moved here and discovered
heaps of new music that I adore. Its nice to see talented people around
the city without breaking the bank.
Rockwood Music Hall
These are just the few things I've done the last couple of weeks. Thank the stars for the internet and The Village Voice. Things just keep adding themselves to my list of New York outings to engage in when I get cabin fever. Now for the coming attractions...
Free Beer Tuesdays @ Bierkraft
When: Every Tuesday *sigh*
Cost: Free... gosh read the title :)\
Fun-O-Meter: Beer, friends, Free-ness... how can this not be awesome. Every Tuesday this bar offers free beer tastings going between local
brewers. Apparently, they offer free munchies to go along with the
tasting. AWESOME! Get a few friends together and you have a night out.
Skee-Ball at Full Circle Bar
When: Tuesday & Thursday starting @ 5pm
Cost: $1 per game
Fun-O-Meter: I'm not always in the mood for an "Arcade-like" bar but when I am... this place hits the spot.
Martini and a Manicure @ Beauty Bar
When: Every evening 6-11pm
Cost: $10
Fun-O-Meter: You pay $10 and you get both a manicure and a martini...WHOA. Plus you get the ambiance of a 50's style beauty parlour and with a DJ. Just a bit of splurge compared to the free things but, a girl has to pamper herself every once in a while.
Free Show Taping
When: Check your favorite show for listings
Cost: Free
Fun-O-Meter: Jimmy Fallon, The View, Letterman, SNL... you can sit in the audience of your favorite shows and be apart of the experience. I haven't done this yet but I can't wait. I think I'm just waiting until I can track down a taping where Michael Fassbender is the guest :/
Hmm... I wonder if I should sell this Al Green Ticket I bought myself a few months ago. I could probably sell it for 3 times the amount I bought it for. PSSH... yeah right! I'm keeping this sucker. I'm on a budget... I'm not crazy. Until next time.....
5 Songs With Money In The Title
(If you can't spend it... Jam to it)
1). The O'Jays - The Love Of Money
I mean OBVIOUSLY this song was gonna be first.
2). Pink Floyd- Money
Ah.. This song reminds me of Good Ol' Barbary Coast. 3 Cheers Wilmington... and PBR
3). Barrett Strong - Money
Seriously. I had to stop writing this blog to dance to this song
4). Lady Gaga - Money Honey
To all my fellow monsters. Paws Up.
5). Junior MAFIA - Get Money
If you ever want to feel BA. Put this song on and do everything in slow motion.
Love Always,
The Girl Who had a problem not singing along to "Return To Innocence" During a free Yoga Session in Prospect Park.