While watching the skaters at Rockefeller Center, Haley and I saw the best sequence of events.
I swear, New York has to be one of the best places in the world to experience the Christmas season. Beautiful decorations littering every corner... the best hot chocolate places a girl could ask for. I mean, it's like you fell into the Nutcracker. Everything is so beautiful and grand and magical. Maybe its just me. I am a little over the top when it comes to this time of year. I see everything through candy cane colored glasses. Even getting grabbed by some random old guy in Union Square didn't stop the jingle bells in my head. Nor did seeing two Santas fighting near Macy's and getting hauled off in a police car. Ahhhh Tis the season. This will be my first Christmas away from home. Naturally, I was a little disappointed. After not seeing my family over Thanksgiving, I was sure that a Christmas visit was in the cards. But, alas, fate had other plans for me. So, I had to take those lemons and make sugary lemon bars. I've been celebrating with my NYC family. Old friends, new friends, Christmas landmarks all over the city. It's been a blast.
My friend and I decided to explore the city last Saturday and do it up Christmas Style. It was a much loved surprise that we shared our fun evening with SantaCon. SantaCon is a special day, celebrated in 37 countries where everyone dresses up as Santa or various other holiday favorites and hit the streets for a fun party that usually begins at around 10am. On the days of SantaCon, it's not unheard of to spot 100 Santas in one location or to sit on the train beside a huge Gingerbread Man. Plus if you will imagine what happens when alcohol becomes involved. Basically, you got yourself entertainment at every corner. All it did was enhance an already amazing night. Creamy hot chocolate from City Bakery, the Rockefeller Christmas Tree, ice skaters, enjoyable story telling holiday store windows... All I needed was a ride on the Polar Express and I probably would glazed over, drunk off the holiday cheer. Maybe next year, I will have a few family or friend visitors and I can show them all of this.
Its Christmas Eve now and I am writing a blog while sipping on eggnog and listening to Cee-Lo Green's Christmas album (awesome album btw). So much has happened over the last few weeks in our world that, I decided to write a blog and try to spread a little joy. I don't really have anything monumental to share. I just wanted to say, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Nothing says"VICTORY!" like looking as if a giant pixie stick factory
exploded all over you. Victory is the word my brain chants over and
over again as I find myself jogging in 30 degree weather with the sun
barely making its morning appearance. My goal... to finish a 5K in the
form of the rainbow powder extravaganza know as The Color Run. This
event takes place during March in lovely NYC and to be honest, I am
super excited about it. I've always been the type of person to give the
"good for you" praise to anyone who dare signs up for a 5K. I mean, Its
not like I would ever do it. Jog? For fun? You got the wrong feline for
that business. Now, I actually want to do it. I want to cross that
finish line knowing that I just tackled 3 miles and officially declare
myself a true and noble BAMF. When I heard about The Color Run, I felt
no anxiety whatsoever about participating. Honestly, it sounds more like
a party than exercise. The Color Run is described as a unique
experience focused less on speed and more on crazy, color fun with your
loved ones. Basically, at the start of the 5K, you wear white shirts and
with each kilometer you jog, volunteers with shower you with colored
powder (perfectly safe, duh). Once you reach the finish line, you are
greeted with a huge party filled with food, music and of course, more
color! I am so thankful that I am able to do this. I
don't know why I limited myself for so long thinking that I couldn't.
Even when I am dead tired and cold and the weather wants to stop me from
training, I keep pushing. The feeling you get when you're done is
indescribable. So, If anyone is interested in joining a Color Run near
you or just want to know more about it, here's the link. Warning: the
energy displayed on this website is contagious and will make you want to sign up. http://thecolorrun.com/
The Care Bear stare has nothing on this party
Until next time.....
6 Favorite Scenes: The Christmas Vacation Edison
One of my favorite Christmas movies is "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Seriously, it never gets old. I thought I would share a few of my favorite scenes. :)
1). Shopping: Clark Style
Love this scene. I want to see the outtakes!
2). The Sh*tter's Full
Who doesn't love Eddie?!
3). Clark Goes Sledding
What I love most about this scene is my mother's reaction to it. It takes her 10 minutes to stop laughing!
4). Aunt Bethany
Love this old lady. I hope one day to be mega old and be able to say whatever I want without consequences.
5). Clark's Freakout
Haha. This needs no explanation
6). Margo and Todd
I have no idea why this made me laugh so hard but, I love it.
Love Always, The girl who wishes you a true Christmas miracle and an amazing New Year!
November 7, 2012: The morning after the Election. I awoke to the sound of knuckles colliding with my door. It was my cooky neighbor, Reese. She earned the title "cooky" due to her random outburst of unnecessary comments. Examples include "I would TOTALLY make out with Abraham Lincoln if he visited my room as a ghost." and "I love Rhianna's music but, my vagina is more of a Joni Mitchell fan." Anyhoo, she was knocking to deliver an invite for the Obama celebration happening later in the lobby. "We gonna have a couple of pies (pizza), some music, and then... we gonna watch "The Faculty" she said. Ahhh America :). The evidence of last night's historical event still lingers everywhere today. Facebook is scattered with victorious comments or perturbed protests. Red, white and blue confetti scatter certain parts of Time Square. People walk around like the day after the super bowl, wearing their favorite "team" shirts, showing support for their candidate win or lose. Hopefully during the next four years, the strain on our country will ease as will this great divide between Americans right now. Sheesh, it's been a while since I wrote my last blog. Sorry everyone. Life's been throwing the biggest curve balls at me lately. Throw in travel, friends visiting, and psycho Sandy... well you got yourself a writing road block.
Call me a "sweet little tropical storm" one more time and I'll show you what's up.
When I would get a few moments to sit down and type, I would just stare at the blank screen, the cursor blinking at me with an impatient knowledge that I had absolutely nothing to say. The truth is, things have been rather difficult for me lately. I didn't want to write about that. I wanted happy, witty, fun entries. But, when I started this blog, I promised to write about the good and the bad. So, let's get a little honest right now.
The past 6 months have been...interesting. While on one hand I am happy, healthy and continue to add to my list wonderful memories, the other hand holds a seemingly never ending pile of occurrences that constantly test my optimism and confidence.
The word "No" is like a cockroach that just won't die. You get one, you get twelve more working against you to make your life miserable. It seems that every venture I've taken lately slaps me in the face with a big fat "NO". No from the job you applied for. Nay from the agents you sent your headshots to. Nein from the weight loss scale, NIET, NIE, NON, NI, NOPE, HUH-UH, NEVER, ABSOLUTELY NOT, MAYBE AROUND NOT GONNA HAPPEN O'CLOCK. I have to admit, the constant rejection starts to weigh on you. At first, the "I'll get um next time" attitude flows out easier than a smile. Then, the negative effects of the word begin to fog your rose colored glasses. You think "I can't handle another no." But alas, you can. Here's 5 more for your trouble and one giant NO to make sure you're knocked on your ass. As you can probably guess and most of my friends probably know, this put me in a funk. Not just any funk... ohhhh noo... the kind of funk that makes you sympathize with the Wicked Witch of the West (Well, the b*%ch dropped a house on her sister and then STOLE her shoes! I'd try to kill her too!) Yeah, that kind of funk.
I always knew that this time in my life might occur. I chose a career that's synonymous with the word struggle. My professors warned me that there would be 1000 no's before I heard 1 yes. Hearing these warnings definitely prepared me but, living the warnings is a whole other ballgame. The way that I look at it, I have 2 choices: A). I could continue to let the "No" pull me further and further underwater. Or, B). I can fight my way to the surface for air. Over the last few months, I've chosen answer A, giving in to a kind of "What's the use" type yielding. I still try of course, but I try with the insecurity of a person who doesn't expect to hear a yes. That's almost worse than doing nothing at all.
Here's the thing about the word "No": It can be a negative burden on your shoulders making you slump over in defeat, or, it can piss you off. One day after yet another no from a job I submitted for, the usual aww poo feeling didn't fall over me. I started to feel angry. Anger is a powerful motivator. It can give you an 80's movie montage type of determination. I was done with letting the rejections make me feel inferior. I chose answer B. After choosing to fight for what I want in life, getting up everyday has been different. Its almost like I can't get up early enough. Yes, I've still been getting rejections but instead of backing away, I take the time to lick my wounds and move on. My best friend told me that God is trying to teach me something with this experience. Maybe I need to learn to be stronger. Maybe this is a test in faith. Maybe its showing me to appreciate what I have right now to further appreciate privileges in the future. I honestly don't know. But, I am trusting that going through this is going to benefit me greatly.
Hopefully you don't find this preachy or "after school special-like" (if you do, oh well, to the dogs with ya... I have to say this) but, I want everyone going through difficult struggles at the moment to know that the term "This too shall pass" is popular for a reason. This journey that we all go through to discover our character has so many bumps and bruises attached to it that you look like a battered solider when you come out of it. But when I see so many of my friends living their dream jobs, getting married, buying homes, having children, traveling, pushing, living, loving and celebrating... I know we are all due victories. With all the "No" in the world, that 1 yes is gonna taste sweeter than a Paula Deen desert.
*Sigh* adulthood. Sometimes I wish I could just lay on the floor and throw a Veruca Salt like tantrum when I don't get my way. Now, my tantrums include knitting, wine, watching " The Princess Diaries" and listening to "That's Life" by Frank Sinatra. But, ya know what? Maybe there's something to this "Not giving up" thing. I just heard a YES today. An editor has offered me the chance to write for an online magazine. I sent in my first article and she loves it. Someone's about to be published! Here's a link to my very first article (yippee!!!) at Thalo.com. 5 Paintings The Would Make Great Movies By Makia Martin
Freeze Frame Air Punch!
Until next time......
The Word No:5 Of My Favorites
1). Micheal Scott's reaction to Toby's return - The Office
Everytime I see this, I crack up. Love it.
2). Elizabeth's Rejection - Pride & Prejudice
Basically she said no. (Its starts getting really good at around 1:24)
3). Chang's Breakdown - Community
Perfect, amazing show. *Sigh*
4). Hitler's Rant - Inglorious Bastards
5). Dr. Cox says No - Scrubs
Love Always,
The girl who will soon be watching a 90's teen movie in honor of Obama.
I've never really been in love before. I've never felt its pleasures or pains or deep devotion. But, when I hear the beautiful, tragic lyrics of the song "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart" By Al Green, I feel like I have. I remember the first time I heard it. My grandmother was having her weekly card game and I, the little adult that I was, wanted to hang with the older crowd. So, I quietly sat on the floor near them, observing and trying to remain inconspicuous. I watched my grandfather get up and change the record. And there it was, my introduction to Al Green. Through all the noise of the gathering, I heard nothing else but the music. That was my summer that year. Laying on the floor, listening to my Grandfather's records and feeling like I finally understood Love. Motown, and golden oldies expressed nothing but the absolute epitome of the word. Even as a preteen, I had a flare for the dramatic, haha. Sometimes it feels like I learned the way I want Love to be from movies and the way Love really is from music.
Fast foward years and years later and here I am in Brooklyn, still sitting on the floor and listening to records.When I heard the amazing Al Green would be playing in NYC, I didn't hesitate to give him and Ticketmaster my hard earned money. Usually when a show comes around that I wanna see, I prowl around and try to recruit lucky individuals to share the show experience with me. For some reason, this time, I didn't really mind getting one ticket. This was something for me. Do you have a Concert Bucket List? Ya know, people you wanna see perform before you go to that great Ice Cream parlor in the sky? Well, I do, and I wasn't going to miss the chance to see one of my list patrons. Carpe Diem and all that :). Honestly, you know how the show turned out. IT WAS AMAZEBALLS! Absolutely incredible.
The opening act was a cool and funky cat by the name of Charles Bradley. Haha, I honestly don't know how to express the sheer joy this man brought to the audience. He was a combination of James Brown, Randy Watson from "Coming To America" and Prince (back in his "Get Off" days). I couldn't even record a performance because I was so caught up in the crazy.
The fun starts at about 2:45...
After Charles Bradley brought the house down, it was time for the one and only Rev. Al Green. It was like watching a Disney character come to life. I couldn't believe he was real. He came out, just a smooth as can be and started handing out roses to women in the audience. Then the music started and it was just me, my glass of wine and the lyrics. It amazed me how many different types of people loved Al. It was probably the most diverse group of people I have seen at one show. And we were all there for the same reason, to hear our favorite songs from the voice of the man who was partially responsible for the baby boom of 1972. His voice is so classic and commanding and he sounded better live than coming out through my speakers. I enjoyed every second of it. I wish there was more that I can say about it but, if you are a fan, you know I didn't nothing but spend 2 straight hours in a groove induced haze. My videos kind of sucked so... unfortunately, uploading them would be pointless. But, just so you get my drift.....
I enjoyed all this music while sitting behind a woman who told me this was her 2nd Al Green concert. Her first was in 1974. Wow. I wonder if I will be like that with Muse. Old and gray and still pumping my fist in the air to "Unnatural Selection". Hmmm.....
Pudge Watch 2012
Hi mom, I'm a vegan. Can you hear the laughter? I did. Yes, I am still eating mostly vegan. Its been interesting. Not as hard as I thought yet, not as easy as it was in the beginning. I think my body went from "Ok, she's just doing this for a small period of time", to realizing "Holy bananas, she means to make this a lifestyle change". Its starting to become harder and my body really wants to resist. I've of course backslid a couple of times. But, to be honest, I really don't feel all that bad. Going from eating meat and dairy and hardcore junk food everyday of your life to eating a little meat or dairy every couple weeks or so is a pretty awesome accomplishment. No one said this would be easy. That's what I keep telling myself when I want to bang my head against the wall. My weight is being really stubborn right now. Although the scale tells me I have lost weight, my image in the mirror still says "Hi! My name is round tummy, and I'm not going anywhere". Patience. I have to have patience. I feel the change in me. The visual just has to catch up. I have to say my 2nd biggest support system has been coming from the blogs on Tumblr. When you see someone who was once 300lbs now wearing a bikini and doing Insanity, it motivates you. Reading the things that those people went through, I know that I'm not alone. They get it. One of them is even a vegan and she puts up awesome recipes. It reassures me. It's possible to do this. Patience.
Oh well kids, I just really wanted to share my concert going experience with everyone. Fall is ready to began and thus starts Harvest season or so a good friend told me. There are a lot of really amazing things in the works for me. I can feel them flowing through my motivation to workout, I can feel them coming out of my fingers when I write a script, I can feel the energy of it when I meditate. I'm really interested to see what kind of creative changes will happen in the next few month. I'll keep ya posted, as always. Until next time. ....
Top 5 Favorite Movie/TV Scenes Featuring An Al Green Song
1). Notting Hill - How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
Hugh Grant's character finds his lady love with her boyfriend (which he didn't know she had). And then he has to see her everywhere because she's a mega famous Actress. Le Sigh.
2). Munich - Let's Stay Together
Ugggg! I can't find this scene to post. It's my favorite scene in Munich. Two enemies stuck in a safe house listening to the radio. They both go back and forth, changing the station because one doesn't like what the other one picks, blah blah. The both get in each others face, nose to nose. Finally, before tensions mount, Daniel Craig stumbles on a station playing "Lets Stay Together". The both eye each other, smile and turn away from each other walking in opposite directions, back to their corners. They found comman ground in the Green. Classic.
3). On The Line - I'm So Tired Of Being Alone
A member of Nsync on a train, singing Al Green. Of course I adored this scene.
4). Sex And The City - Can't Get Next To You
I love this song and I loved this episode. A nice, lovely gentleman persuades Carrie to cut a rug. Sassy.
Awesomeness starts at 6:40
5). Love And Basketball - Love and Happiness
Ok, so the opening isn't exactly a giant scene but, when those first few chords of "Love and Happiness" start and you see that New Line Cinema logo, you just get excited. Plus that song sums up the movie perfectly.
Love Always,
The girl who is ending this blog because "New Girl" is on.
... 16, 17, 18...19. 19. That's how many boxes I currently have sitting in my empty bedroom in Bushwick. All of the packed. All of the waiting to go on a new adventure. I was able to yank these lovely cardboard wonders from the grocery store around the corner. It saved me from going around New York, stalking everyone's recycling bends. 19. Its amazing how my entire life fits into 19 boxes. At 28 years old, I thought there would be more. I thought I would have more things that were important to me. HA! On the other hand, while packing my 19 boxes, I didn't understand why there wasn't less. "Why do I have so much SH*T?!" This question was asked about 50 times while my roommate and I were packing up. But, there it is... all taped and bubble wrapped and ready to start another new chapter in my life. This chapter is titled "Getting your own place in Fort Greene".
With my roommate of 6 years moving to Inwood, Manhattan with her awesome Manfriend and me moving to Fort Greene, Brooklyn with my awesome record collection, it was finally time to detach myself from the hip of one of my best friends. It was kind of like the last scene in the opening credits of 90210 (circa the 90's). Ya know, when Kelly and Donna are holding hands... walking in opposite directions... holding on until finally, with a smile and a twirl, they let go. The theme song ends and a new episode begins.
Did they seriously believe they could pass off Andrea as a teenager?
Looking for a new place to live in NYC is about as much fun as banging your head against a brick wall. Besides searching for the right apartment in your price range, you also have to worry about location, the true vibe of the place, and... weirdos scamming for dates disguised as a "roommate wanted" listing. Seriously, it happens. You see a listing for a roommate... not too expensive... great neighborhood... basically, everything looks perfect. Then you click on the pictures for the place only to get this:
This guy does NOT look like a 1 bedroom in Bed Stuy.
No Me Gusta... at all. Lucky for me, fate slipped in a wonderful opportunity to live by myself in Fort Greene Brooklyn. Fast forward a few weeks and here I am... standing in my very own tiny box no bigger than my old dorm room in college. Actually, I think its smaller. Other downfalls? Well, the lady down the hall from me likes to chat (or banshee shout... it's really your perception) on her cell phone in the hallway. She either wants everyone in on her convo about Tia Mowry's baby or she just doesn't have any reception in her apt. Also, the hallways on my floor kind of smell like old....... something. Old lady... old pasta? I don't know what it is but it's got an aged quality to it. Even with that being said, I am falling in love with me new tiny compartment.
My Little Kingdom
Yes, it's tiny. But, to be honest, I really enjoy the simplicity in that. I got rid of things I didn't need and now my apartment is just decorated with things that really matter to me. That make me smile looking at them. Just the bare essentials. Simple, relaxed, colorful, romantic... me. Right now, that's all I need. The weird smelling hallway? Well, it really doesn't matter. What matters is what I smell when I open the door to my apt. Fresh peaches with a hint of the wild flowers that I got for myself at the flea market on Saturday. And old cray cray cell phone chick? Yeah she chatters a lot but, I've also discovered that her name is Renna and she loves talking to her twin sister who lives in Seattle. Its the only thing that helps her get over feeling home sick. She's friendly as can be. There's also a lady that lives above me who practices dancing for a salsa club she's apart of. So at least twice a week, I can hear the sounds of Buena Vista Social Club above me for about an hour. This may annoy some. To me its kinda fun. Its usually around the time that I like to cook so, you can imagine the serious dancing I get into while chopping my veggies. This place has so much character. Its nice to add a little of myself to it.
My neighborhood is pretty much amazeballs. Fort Greene is one of the most beautiful places in Brooklyn. I love how I feel here. It's filled with cute little coffee shops and boutiques and enough side walk cafes (with lanterns) to rival the most romantic of novels. Sometimes walking around, you forget that you are in the busiest city in the world. It pretty quiet without being overly boring. Not as eccentric and artsy as Williamsburg but, still filled with an air of creativity that only places in NYC can give. Plus there are houses! Actual huge, beautiful, vine covered homes with porches and yards. It takes you off guard when you walk around the corner and see a grand house with the Chrysler building barely visible across the river in Manhattan. Fort Greene just feels like an actual neighborhood. Like you could live there for a long time. Sometimes in the city, things feel temporary. Your apartment or your job. Things that you are just holding on to until something better comes along. This place feels like an area where people actually settle down for the long haul. I like it. I like the security guard at the first floor of my building. I like my mailbox. I like my rooftop view. I like where I am right now. Sitting here on the floor typing this blog with my bowl of grapes, Otis Redding spinning on the record player... how can I not be content?
Well, the Otis Redding record stopped. Hmmm I think I'll listen to Elvis next. No one will care. It's my place. Hehe, I can do what I want.
Pudge Watch 2012
So, I'm kinda going through a separation right now. After thoughts and research and discussions, I thought it would be best if meat, dairy and I took a bit of a break. That's right folks. I've turned Vegan on ya. Please don't frown at the screen or laugh at me (which is actually a reaction I received after telling someone of my diet change). The decision was made after I watched a movie on Netflix instant called "Forks Over Knives". *Sigh* stupid movie. It's the movie's fault... and Stacey Cook... jk :). The truth is after declaring my war on weight last year, I've been doing a pretty ok job. I stepped up my exercise and tried to watch what I ate. But, it wasn't enough. I still felt sluggish and I just needed to try harder to take care of myself. When you have a family with a huge history of diabetes and heart disease, seeing that you have high blood pressure and hearing yourself wheeze after climbing the subway steps can scare the hell out of you. I don't want that for myself. I want more. And since I was having trouble with food and balancing healthy and unhealthy foods in my life, I was in the search for something else... another solution. The movie "Forks Over Knives" was suggested to me. I did NOT want to watch this film. I didn't want to sit for a hour and have some loser tell me what I should not eat. But, I watched it. And for some reason... that movie hit me like a baseball bat. It made sense to me. I don't know why and I couldn't believe it but, I found myself wanting to follow a whole foods/plant based plan. Everything just clicked for me. I decided then and there "Ok Makia, just give this a shot. Give it 30 or so days". Its like my body just followed my decision. Its been exactly a week now. I'm already noticing a difference in my body. I know it sounds ridiculous and trust me, 2 weeks ago I would have said the same thing. Its not as hard as I thought it would be. I'm eating healthy foods and I'm learning a lot of new recipes. I think I only had one day last week where I had my nose pressed up against the window of a bakery around the corner from me. I gave dagger eyes to this lady sitting at the table eating a chocolate cupcake with raspberry icing. It was like seeing your recent ex boyfriend with a new lady. But, I pulled it together and went home for some vegan ice cream (which is delicious by the way). I don't know if this will be my diet forever. My ultimate goal is to learn balance when it comes to all food. But, I do know that for now... I feel like a Champion. I'm gonna see this through for a while because it's working. It's working and I am so proud of myself for doing what needs to be done. I'm NOT looking forward to going home for Thanksgiving though. It's not just the food. I'm more nervous about my family's reaction to me going vegan, meditating and doing yoga. Sheesh.... that's gonna be fun to explain... especially to my uncle June.
Until Next Time.....
5 Movies About Moving
1). Moving - Richard Pryor stars as a mass transit engineer who moves his family from New Jersey to Bosie Idaho. I love love love this movie. Its my favorite Richard Pryor.
2). The Money Pit - Tom Hanks +Shelley Long + A terrible purchase = side splitting laughter. Trust me.
3). Footloose - You move from a big city to a small town where dancing and music are against the law? WTF?!
4). Toy Story - *sniff, sniff* I can't. I'm crying just thinking about it.....
5). The Lost Boys - Before you move to a new town, make sure it isn't plagued with mysterious disappearances and vampires with leather jackets. Just sayin'.
Love Always,
The girl who's getting healthier by the day
A year and a half ago, a good friend told me that the first year in NYC is the hardest to cross over. That first year, things are beautiful and magical and new and shinny and you want to engage yourself in all of it. You'll become greedy. Greedy for everything the city has to offer, from entertainment to culture to glamor and the possibility sizzling around you. All these things will come with a price that you are all to willing to pay. So, with stars in your allured eyes, you skip around from one event to another throwing down cash like Damon Waynes in "Mo Money" just trying to buy up every bit of life experience this charming city will sell you. I mean, what the Hay right? You are getting memories. You are becoming a New York glamorista. You are LIVING! Then, a year later, you notice that your bank account is looking a little.....skinny. Hmmm, where did most of your savings go? Yeah you went to the theater but, that was research... motivation for your career choice. Yeah you went out to see a couple of concerts but, you have to enjoy life sometimes. Suddenly it will hit you. You are addicted to the potent drug that is the city life and not only did it consume all of your money, it also leaves you with a yearning... you want another Big Apple hit. When my friend warned me of the first year slump, I took her advice. I put it in the back of my mind promising to not get caught up. Boy... was I an idiot :/.
You might as well stamp "Cliche" across my face baby because I fell for it. When I looked at my bank account a couple of months ago, my first thought was "Somebody better call the LAW because I was a victim of fraud... identity theft... SOMEONE STOLE MY VISA!" But alas, my visa was resting in my wallet and I realized that the only thing that stole my money was my own stupidity. Ahhh the pangs and bangs of growing up. Gotta love it. I was now enjoying another wonderful life experience called " Being A Struggling Artist". After the words "Well Sh*t!" pathetically left my lips and I stopped giving stink eye to my reflection in the mirror, I decided to re budget my cash flow so that I could not only hold on to the money I had left, but also add more money to my savings... or as I like to call it, "Fattening up Hansel with goodies".
Not This Hansel...
This Hansel. Wow... That story was really not right at all.
So here I am now, writing to you as a sassy broad on a budget. Now that most of my money is going towards making my savings account look like it was brought to you by Chris Nolan, I can no longer just up and delight myself in costly activities. Balance is the key word I've learned. I don't have to confine myself my Bushwick apartment but, I did have to learn to say NO to myself sometimes. Saying no for me is a tug of war of emotions sometimes. I know I should save money, but I also don't want to miss out on those "life memories". Back and forth, tug and pull between living and buyers remorse. Plus, I had to learn to prioritize. Go out to eat every single day or get new headshots? Headshots duh! Do I want to go to a concert or fly to NC to see my family and friends. Clearly the family and friends won over... Clearly the concert in competition was NOT Muse (j/k fam... I love you guys). The important idea that I had to latch onto (and I am still working on keeping it in my head at times) is that there are fun times to be had all over this wonderful city without burning a hole in you pocket. Living the cheap life forces you to get a bit creative. The truth is, sometimes, it's kind of fun. You feel like a Goonie on a life changing quest for the FREE - $10 range entertainment treasure. Thus has been my life for the past couple of weeks. I've been on the hunt for Good Ol' Times that will leave me with money to spare and get me up and out of my room.
So here it is folks... the greatest hits of my limited dollars. If you are planning on visiting NYC anytime soon, I suggest you check a few of these bad boys out. Low in cost but expensive in worth.
Grand Central Station Walking Tour
When: Whenever the FLIP you wanna
Cost: FREE
Fun-O-Meter: It hit about a 9 on the scale. I really enjoyed it!
Ah Grand Central Station. What an amazing landmark. I've seen it so many times in movies. It has this beautiful, romantic appeal to me. People going and arriving under the massive ceiling of stars... the sun streaming in through the windows hitting the clock tower just right. The place has so much history. Well, for the the grand old price of not a dang thang, you can have your very on walking tour of Grand Central Station. All you have to do is go to the Grand Central Terminal website, print out the walking tour facts and head on over. My roommate and I did this and it was tons of fun. Plus, you have the added bonus of people watching. Its a win win. Give it a shot!
Free Movie Summers
When: Pretty much everyday of the week
Cost: FREE... DUH.
Fun-O-Meter: Ummm free movies, outdoors... well obviously I give it like an 11.
During the Summers in NYC, you can pretty much expect the opportunity to see a free outdoor movie any night of the week. Love, love, love this. They usually show movies that greatly impacted my child-teenage heart. Nothing says "I love life" like seeing "Jurassic Park " on the big screen surrounded by people who love the movie just as much as you do. Last Wednesday, my roommate and I saw "Cruel Intentions" in MaCcareen Park. A blast isn't even enough of a description. Seriously, that movie use to make my heart pound and my eyes puff with tears. At the age of 28, I'm afraid that I am still affected by the song "Colorblind". When that scene came up I had to fan my eyeballs... like a loser. Just check online for the 2012 outdoor movie schedule and you are sure to find something that tickles your taste buds.
MTA Transit Museum
When: Tuesday - Sunday
Cost: $7
Surprisingly interesting. I went here thinking that I would get a
little history, a little fun and the added bonus of staying out of the
heat. But, learning about the subways and how NYC runs its
transportation was really cool. Its located in an old subway station! My
favorite part was going through all the old subway cars. The ones used
in the early 1900's were so luxurious. It was interesting to see how
they changed.
Cost: Most of the shows are free but some cost. Check the website before heading over
Love this place. I've been alot since I've moved here and discovered
heaps of new music that I adore. Its nice to see talented people around
the city without breaking the bank.
These are just the few things I've done the last couple of weeks. Thank the stars for the internet and The Village Voice. Things just keep adding themselves to my list of New York outings to engage in when I get cabin fever. Now for the coming attractions...
Free Beer Tuesdays @ Bierkraft
When: Every Tuesday *sigh*
Cost: Free... gosh read the title :)\
Fun-O-Meter: Beer, friends, Free-ness... how can this not be awesome. Every Tuesday this bar offers free beer tastings going between local
brewers. Apparently, they offer free munchies to go along with the
tasting. AWESOME! Get a few friends together and you have a night out.
Fun-O-Meter: You pay $10 and you get both a manicure and a martini...WHOA. Plus you get the ambiance of a 50's style beauty parlour and with a DJ. Just a bit of splurge compared to the free things but, a girl has to pamper herself every once in a while.
Fun-O-Meter: Jimmy Fallon, The View, Letterman, SNL... you can sit in the audience of your favorite shows and be apart of the experience. I haven't done this yet but I can't wait. I think I'm just waiting until I can track down a taping where Michael Fassbender is the guest :/
Ok so, out of laziness and my need to catch up on "True Blood", I'm going to cut this list short. There's so much more. Parks, Museums, Outdoor concerts, all I have to do is really and truly look. I even found a place where you can sit near the water and watch the students of the Trapeze school (yes, that's right, a Trapeze school... like in the circus) practice everyday. My deep search for life experiences and memories are all over the place. There's no need to act like a Cash Money Millionaire to discover them. I found this great article in Time Out that could be of use to anyone looking to cheaply hang around the city. 101 Things To Do For $10 Or Less
Hmm... I wonder if I should sell this Al Green Ticket I bought myself a few months ago. I could probably sell it for 3 times the amount I bought it for. PSSH... yeah right! I'm keeping this sucker. I'm on a budget... I'm not crazy. Until next time.....
5 Songs With Money In The Title
(If you can't spend it... Jam to it)
1). The O'Jays - The Love Of Money
I mean OBVIOUSLY this song was gonna be first.
2). Pink Floyd- Money
Ah.. This song reminds me of Good Ol' Barbary Coast. 3 Cheers Wilmington... and PBR
3). Barrett Strong - Money
Seriously. I had to stop writing this blog to dance to this song
4). Lady Gaga - Money Honey
To all my fellow monsters. Paws Up.
5). Junior MAFIA - Get Money
If you ever want to feel BA. Put this song on and do everything in slow motion.
Love Always,
The Girl Who had a problem not singing along to "Return To Innocence" During a free Yoga Session in Prospect Park.