From NC to NY. Its just me. Nothing more, nothing less and definitley not just right. But, we're getting there.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Visions Of Sugar Plums
While watching the skaters at Rockefeller Center, Haley and I saw the best sequence of events.
I swear, New York has to be one of the best places in the world to experience the Christmas season. Beautiful decorations littering every corner... the best hot chocolate places a girl could ask for. I mean, it's like you fell into the Nutcracker. Everything is so beautiful and grand and magical. Maybe its just me. I am a little over the top when it comes to this time of year. I see everything through candy cane colored glasses. Even getting grabbed by some random old guy in Union Square didn't stop the jingle bells in my head. Nor did seeing two Santas fighting near Macy's and getting hauled off in a police car. Ahhhh Tis the season. This will be my first Christmas away from home. Naturally, I was a little disappointed. After not seeing my family over Thanksgiving, I was sure that a Christmas visit was in the cards. But, alas, fate had other plans for me. So, I had to take those lemons and make sugary lemon bars. I've been celebrating with my NYC family. Old friends, new friends, Christmas landmarks all over the city. It's been a blast.
My friend and I decided to explore the city last Saturday and do it up Christmas Style. It was a much loved surprise that we shared our fun evening with SantaCon. SantaCon is a special day, celebrated in 37 countries where everyone dresses up as Santa or various other holiday favorites and hit the streets for a fun party that usually begins at around 10am. On the days of SantaCon, it's not unheard of to spot 100 Santas in one location or to sit on the train beside a huge Gingerbread Man. Plus if you will imagine what happens when alcohol becomes involved. Basically, you got yourself entertainment at every corner. All it did was enhance an already amazing night. Creamy hot chocolate from City Bakery, the Rockefeller Christmas Tree, ice skaters, enjoyable story telling holiday store windows... All I needed was a ride on the Polar Express and I probably would glazed over, drunk off the holiday cheer. Maybe next year, I will have a few family or friend visitors and I can show them all of this.
Its Christmas Eve now and I am writing a blog while sipping on eggnog and listening to Cee-Lo Green's Christmas album (awesome album btw). So much has happened over the last few weeks in our world that, I decided to write a blog and try to spread a little joy. I don't really have anything monumental to share. I just wanted to say, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Nothing says"VICTORY!" like looking as if a giant pixie stick factory
exploded all over you. Victory is the word my brain chants over and
over again as I find myself jogging in 30 degree weather with the sun
barely making its morning appearance. My goal... to finish a 5K in the
form of the rainbow powder extravaganza know as The Color Run. This
event takes place during March in lovely NYC and to be honest, I am
super excited about it. I've always been the type of person to give the
"good for you" praise to anyone who dare signs up for a 5K. I mean, Its
not like I would ever do it. Jog? For fun? You got the wrong feline for
that business. Now, I actually want to do it. I want to cross that
finish line knowing that I just tackled 3 miles and officially declare
myself a true and noble BAMF. When I heard about The Color Run, I felt
no anxiety whatsoever about participating. Honestly, it sounds more like
a party than exercise. The Color Run is described as a unique
experience focused less on speed and more on crazy, color fun with your
loved ones. Basically, at the start of the 5K, you wear white shirts and
with each kilometer you jog, volunteers with shower you with colored
powder (perfectly safe, duh). Once you reach the finish line, you are
greeted with a huge party filled with food, music and of course, more
color! I am so thankful that I am able to do this. I
don't know why I limited myself for so long thinking that I couldn't.
Even when I am dead tired and cold and the weather wants to stop me from
training, I keep pushing. The feeling you get when you're done is
indescribable. So, If anyone is interested in joining a Color Run near
you or just want to know more about it, here's the link. Warning: the
energy displayed on this website is contagious and will make you want to sign up.
The Care Bear stare has nothing on this party
Until next time.....
6 Favorite Scenes: The Christmas Vacation Edison
One of my favorite Christmas movies is "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Seriously, it never gets old. I thought I would share a few of my favorite scenes. :)
1). Shopping: Clark Style
Love this scene. I want to see the outtakes!
2). The Sh*tter's Full
Who doesn't love Eddie?!
3). Clark Goes Sledding
What I love most about this scene is my mother's reaction to it. It takes her 10 minutes to stop laughing!
4). Aunt Bethany
Love this old lady. I hope one day to be mega old and be able to say whatever I want without consequences.
5). Clark's Freakout
Haha. This needs no explanation
6). Margo and Todd
I have no idea why this made me laugh so hard but, I love it.
Love Always, The girl who wishes you a true Christmas miracle and an amazing New Year!
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