Friday, August 5, 2011

The Soapbox

Love is blind. What does that mean exactly? Some would say that it means love blinds us to the truth in situations and personality. Others would say that true love allows us to see and accept the person we love, flaws and all. I believe that both are true and I also believe that it simply means we can’t help who we fall in love with.

This is Phyllis Siegel, 77, and Connie Kopelov, 85. These two have been together for 23 years. On July 24, 2011, they were finally able to marry legally in the state of NYC. The Marriage Equality Act passed here in NY on June 24, 2011. NYC was one big celebration. It was incredible being here during such a wonderful moment in history. The Empire State Building proudly glowed with the colors of the rainbow. I was so happy. This very image of Phyllis and Connie explains my happiness and I’m sure the happiness of many more.  I wasn’t going to use this blog to talk about anything religious or political. Its always a touchy subject. But, after talking to a wonderful friend of mine the other day I thought to myself, “why not?” I am not ashamed of my opinion and sometime its best to speak out about certain things. Silence changes nothing.
I (as you can probably tell) completely 100% support Marriage Equality. There is so much negativity in this world. I just don’t understand how anyone can stand in the way of a person’s right to love. It’s a right… a human, civil right. Those two women should have been able to get married a long time ago without fear of prejudice over their heads. There are people that I care about very much who deserve to walk down the street, hold hands, kiss, get married, be a couple, be in love with their partners and they deserve to do it without some idiot telling them it’s wrong.  
If I were born a few decades earlier, my rights would have been boosh. I wouldn’t be able to be friends with the best people I know. And say goodbye to having a beer and laughs at Barbary Coast.  I tell ya, if someone were to tell me right now that I can’t marry Bon Iver because I’m black and I can’t  vote because I’m a woman, I would give them a bottled water and say “Here ya go. You’re going to need this when you go to hell.”
Yes, I know what the bible says. So, what? I say the F word more than I should.  It is not up to us mere humans to cast judgement. I believe in and love God. I also believe in equality and (c’mon folks say it again… starts with a L, ends with an E) love. Ohh boy, I’m going to get off my high horse right now, put it in the stable and feed it a carrot to keep it quiet. I swear topics like this get my blood movin’. I should probably go have a coke and a smile before I switch to some other subject that ticks me off. (That’s right Mr. Ol’ rape mustache who oversaw the Koran burning… you are safe from my hard typing wrath. For now.)
  I guess I just needed to get that off my heart. Hugs to everyone for reading. Hugs and kisses.
      The girl who's in for a really uncomfortable phone call from her mother after she reads this blog and knows I say the F word.


  1. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! Preach on sister friend.

  2. I'm clearly a little late on reading this post. That picture of the Empire State Building brought tears to my eyes! That's a beautiful moment to witness and I'm so relieved to see this country finally move toward love and let go of some of this hate. It's funny how people classify New Yorkers as cold and hard, but look at 'em now! Hopefully the rest of the country can follow suit....
