Hello all! Its been a while since my last blog and so much has happened! NYC is rolling into fall… I couldn’t be more excited! It’s actually nice to walk around the city without layers of sweat resting on me. You are a liar Britney Spears’ “Slave 4U” video. Sweating is not sexy. It’s not sexy when I have to go to work and have 7 to 10 minutes of cool down time. And, it’s not sexy when an equally sweaty person on the subway ends up smushed onto you. So, I welcome fall and its many adventures with open arms. I can’t believe it’s September. This time last year I was stuck in rut trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I still don’t quite have an answer but, I know I am much closer to that discovery. Hmmmm… what have I been doing since my last post?
Well, as many of you may know, I have become a major Mets fan. Seriously, I think I love those guys. I’ve been to two games now and the more I learn about the players and the game, the more I adore it. All that I really knew about the game of baseball came from “Rookie of the Year” and “The Sandlot”. Ahhh my first crush… Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez.
Wasn’t he a Sweet Potato?
My first game was Mets vs. The Atlanta Braves. I was pumped! Mets hat….check. Poncho… check. Equally as excited companion… check. Experience…priceless. The Mets clobbered the Braves that night. We got to experience several home runs and sang “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” while actually eating peanuts and cracker jacks. Do you know that during the 7th inning stretch, everyone actually stands up to stretch… BANGERANG!
Me, my roomy and my awesome Mets cap
Citi Field.: Where the magic happens
I started falling for all of the players. Angel Pagan, David Wright, Josh Thole (or as my roomy like to call him, Thole, Tholi, Tholy), Justin Turner, Jose Reyes…. My new homies. Football season’s here. Its time for me to say nighty night to the Mets and stake my claim for the Jets or Giants. I’m kinda leaning toward the Jets because of “West Side Story”. That first Jets song is pretty much snap worthy. I don’t really have another reason :/. I just need to see which team throws me the best vibe. Hmmmm…. We shall see.
Angel Pagan. What I imagine Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez grew up to be
My roomy and I went to a very last minute show at the Brooklyn Bowl to see the Naked And Famous. Wow, it was amazing! I had so much fun just jumping around and getting to know new music. I’ve only heard one song from them, “Young Blood”. Now, I have their whole album and I love it. It’s always great to see a band live and then have a new obsession for a while. If you guys haven’t listened to The Naked and Famous… trust me, they are worth it.
The Naked and Famous

The weekend went by in a blur and before I knew it, the time came to say TTFN. They brought a little slice of home to me if only for a minute. Love those girls. Here’s a picture of us having Sangria’s and good times. Isn’t that just a table full of fabulous?
Everything on the normal side of life has been great. I adore my job and I’m pretty proud of the film I’m working on. It’s only been over 2 months since I became an official resident and I already notice how happy I am. With the fall coming, I am confident that I will have new and exciting revelations to share. Stay tunned.
5 Things That I Am Digging On
1). Natural Hair
I recently decided to let my hair grow out naturally. Its going to be a long, hard road but I am excited about trying something new. For those who want a glimpse of the natural look here are a couple of pictures. My hair may not look like that but, it gives you an idea.
2). Emma Stone
Love her.
3). Fall
I can't wait to experience Fall in the city. I've been told it will be magical.
Central Park in the Fall
4). Don't Breathe A Word by Jennifer McMahon
This is the book i'm reading right now. Its super creepy. I had to sleep with a light on for a night ( or two) after reading the prologue. I can't wait to see what happens in this story.
How creepy does this girl look?
5). Fashion Week
Ahhh yes. The time has come. Fashion Week will begin on Sept. 8, 2011. I have been hearing about the mythical creature known as Fashion Week since I was a youngin’. I can’t wait to stalk the tents. Anyone hove bail… ya know, if I’m arrested?
Love Always,
The girl who refuses to watch "A League of Their Own" past the locker room scene with Betty Spaghetti.(You know which part... soooo depressing. )
The girl who refuses to watch "A League of Their Own" past the locker room scene with Betty Spaghetti.(You know which part... soooo depressing. )
Love this post! Loved The Lion King AND I love The Naked and Famous. I'm pretty sure you told me to listen to them before and I meant to tell you that they're AWESOME when I saw you in NY. Man, you and Erin Capps have been amazing about getting me out of my music funk. Go team!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of seeing you in NY, wish we could have made it to the Brooklyn Bowl. We have to do that next time fo sho. It sounds rad. And I want to jam and bowl. I'm equally as bad at both but with you and Haley it won't matter. :)
And why on earth are you reading such a creepy book? Just the cover creeps me out. Why does that little girl have to stare at me like that?!?
I wanna know all about it. I hate scary stuff but I'm curious now so tell me everything so I don't have to read it and I can stick to my lovey dovey teen adventure novels. Haha!
LOVE YOU!! Post again soon, ok. Your blog brightens my world.