I've seen more runners around my neighborhood in the last two days than I've seen in the last 2 months. Honestly, I can't blame them. Who wouldn't be motivated by the amazing site that was the NYC Marathon on Sunday. I don't think I was prepared for all of the overwhelming emotions that rushed over me while I watched those magnificent gladiators fulfill a dream.
It's just a bunch of people running, right? Not to me. To me, those people represented possibility.
I've never been a runner. In gym class, I considered it a personal torture to complete the mile run requirement. While others completed the task in no time and spent the rest of the class chilling on the bleachers and gossiping, I stubbornly took the entire period to finish the four laps around the track. I'm pretty sure I feigned the plague on several of those "Fitness Test" days. Can't we just play dodge ball and forget this whole mile run business?
Now, I've began to look at joggers with a kind of curious fascination. Once you get past the sweat soaked clothing and huffy breathing, they look so relaxed and patient and... healthy. A while back, I attempted to start my relationship with jogging but, ended up kicking it to the curb for other more glamorous forms of exercise like kickboxing and zumba. Watching and cheering on the runners changed that for me. Somewhere in the middle of all the "Whoooo!" and shouting "You rock" and singing along to the Tom Petty songs playing out of a sidewalk stereo, I began to believe that maybe, just maybe I could add a Marathon to my bucket list. I know right! The girl who would have flung poo at the idea of completing a mile wants to tackle 26.2 of them. Nuts! I mean, anything can be done with time and dedication right? So, I am going to start slow. Work my way back up. For now, my mountain is a simple mile. I have to get through that without crying and cursing the world. Then, after I do that, I have to keep going. This will be the hard part, sticking with it.
Weight loss, oh weight loss. You are a sadistic bitch, rivaling even the most ruthless Betty Davis character. My weight has been going through a long (seemingly endless) period of uncertainly. Like the piedmont, my scale shows a gently rolling hill of numbers. Up, down. Slightly up. Plateau... down. Back up. It's been interesting. But, that scale is getting a little bit closer to 200. That makes me happy. It makes it all worth it. When I finally hit below that 200 mark, look out because I am jumping on the nearest person. Annnnd I want to be carried. Carried like a princess, haha. I'm getting there. I'll be there soon. I haven't seen the 100's since I was in middle school. I still have a long way to go but, my car is chuggin' down that road. Even if I happen to have a flat tire at the moment.
I've been fooling around with a few recipes lately and decided to share one with you guys. It was so simple and makes my morning a lot easier. I'm not sure about you guys but, I don't really like to take a lot of time to fix breakfast on weekday mornings. Ladies and gentleman, I present to you.....
Egg White Bites
So good, they make you wanna say...............
Ingredients needed:
Carton of egg whites
Mini-muffin or muffin tin
Olive oil cooking spray
Your favorite vegetables
Your favorite spices
(MIA: Carton of egg whites. Looks like a milk carton but, filled with egg whites. Boom.)
1). Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Spray each muffin tin with olive oil cooking spray so it lightly coats the bottom
2). Add your favorite diced vegetables!
3). Fill each muffin tin with egg whites.

4). Lastly, sprinkle the tops with some ground black pepper (or any spices that make you seriously excited) for a little flavor.
5). Toss them in the oven!
The mini muffin tins took about 10 minutes. If you are using regular sized muffin tins, let them cook for about 20 minutes. Once they are cooled, enjoy! Add extra toppings like salsa or avacado for maximum BAMFness.
And that's it. You can refrigerate what's left over. They last for a couple of days. You have a yummy breakfast in the morning that you can heat up and go. Add a bowl of fruit or yogurt to the meal and BAM! You're basically eating like a king :). Plus, when you are done, you can take an unnecessary selfie of you enjoying your creation!
Alright guys! Hope you enjoy. If you try out the egg white bites, let me know what you think!! Until next time......
Love Always,
The girl who completed a mile around the track today :)
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