The last few weeks of my life have been a crazy whirlwind. The kind chaotic experience where you constantly forget what day it is and exhaustion becomes your venerated companion. But honestly, I've never been so happy to be so tired. When you end the day doing what you love, thankfulness replaces fatigue. I am incredible thankful.
I had the pleasure of booking my first role of the year with Time Warner Cable for an exciting Super Bowl event. I put my Disney cheerfulness to use by playing "Tour Guide" to a host of people. 2 weeks of rehearsals and 1 week for showtime. My favorite part of the job were all of my lovely castmates. I was so lucky to work with the best group of people ever. Every single person brought their amazing personalities in to make this experience seem more like a party. I looked forward to seeing them everyday. What can I say, I love making new friends. So if any of them are reading this, I have to say again, I adore each of you.
Working hard for the money.
Have you ever had one of those days that you can definitely add into your lifetime memory file? One of those amazing WTF moments that gives you just one more fun fact about yourself? Well, that happened to me last week. For some reason, I was just having one of those "pep-in-my-step" days. Work was smooth. My tours were going well. I remember laughing my ass off in the green room with a few of the other actors that morning. My hair was cooperating with life. If you are a fan of deserts, that day was like a warm fudge brownie topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I got to flirt with an Italian soccer player (go on and add some chocolate syrup to that) and I met Chica & Carly from "The Sunnyside Up Show" on Sprout (put a cherry on top please). It was just a GOOOOD day. Apparently God thought that I needed to add a few sprinkles. :)
My new Boo Christian Vieri. Yeah, he doesn't know that yet but, people like surprises right?
Fox Sports was having an after party that night. They had countless sports figures coming through and Kings of Leon were performing for the 300 or so guests. A few of us were asked to work the event and give tours to the VIPs who wanted it. Well, of course no one really wanted a tour. They wanted to drink and party. So, we were let loose and told we can stay for the concert. While there, I talked with Michael Strahan (my mom flipped out) and tried to get Randy Moss to get an accent nail (my dad flipped out) and had a chance to take pictures with the Vince Lombardi trophy and the Fox Sports robot, Cleatus (They both think I'm officially cool now). Finally, it was time to watch Kings of Leon do their thing. Wow, what an amazing band. They sound so great live. I was already a fan but now, I'm a KOL groupie and proud of it.
During the performance of "Taper Jean Girl", I heard a crazy "YEAHHHHHHHH!" shout behind me. When I turned around, there was Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad's Jesse) jamming to the music. Also close by was the one, the only, Bill Murray. You guys, I am pretty ok with keeping my cool when around celebrities. I usually just freak out in private. But, I couldn't help it. I started giggling like a school girl. Bill Murray was right there! Throughout the concert, I noticed a heap of celebrities in the house. Ryan Philippe was around. My pre-teen self almost went through puberty again. Rob Thomas was hanging with Aaron Paul and Bill Murray. It took everything I had not to sing "I wanna push you A-round" when I met him. Kevin Bacon was in the house. Sorry guys, I didn't have a chance to ask him to dance angrily with me around a VW Bug. Next time :). I just kept having these moments of "What the hell am I doing here?!" It was insane to me. So I just started dancing and dancing and jamming and being there in that moment with my new friends and loving every second of it.
Aaron Paul, Bill Murray and Rob Thomas
At the end of the show, I was determined to meet Bill Murray. I mean, this was the actor who's starred in several of my favorite movies. So, I took a deep breath and walked towards him. He turned to look at me just as I was starting to speak. Right away, he droves his hands in my hair and proceeded to muss it up a bit. It was like a kid getting their hands in play dough for the first time. All I could do was stand there with my mouth hanging open in shock. I was being "Murraied"
Murraied: Stange things that Bill Murray does to the fans he encounters. Usually ending with "Nobody's going to believe you".
After he was done, he smoothed my hair down a bit and said "You're cute". I asked him to take a picture with me and he happily said "sure". The lights in the place were crazy and blue so, the picture came out a big mess. When I said as much, he looked at it and said "NOOOOO! We look like mythical Gods!" So yeah, didn't get a great picture with him but, WHO CARES! I just met Bill Murray!
Mythical Gods
So guys, that's it! That's the big story. I had one for the books last week and I couldn't be happier to add another crazy story to this chapter in my life. You gotta love those little moments when you are blessed with times that tell you "You are where you are suppose to be". Sometimes I have them just walking down the streets of NYC. Other times I have them sitting in my favorite coffee shop. This time, I experienced my appreciation at a small Kings of Leon show with my new buddy Bill Murray. I found a gray hair the next day while tidying up my locks. I like to think Bill Murray put it there just for me to remember him by. Or it could be that I'm turning 30 this year..... Naaaaa! It was Bill Murray :).
Until next time....
5 Philip Seymour Hoffman characters that make me smile
Yes, we know that he could deliver an Oscar winning performance. But, the roles that pop in my head when I think about him will always be the ones where he looked like he had a hell of a time filming them. He was an amazing actor. Someone who I would dream of performing with one day. RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman. You were a King in our industry. Thank you. xoxo
1). Dusty from "Twister"
The role that made me fall in love with PSH! Dusty just looked like a fun character to play.
2). Lester Bangs from "Almost Famous"
One of my favorite movies, period.
3). Owen Davian "Mission Impossible III"
Seriously. This character was so creepy. He reminded me of a Bond villain. I'd never seen him play such a souless character before. Loved it.
4). The Count "Pirate Radio"
I love this movie! Loved this character. Philip Seymour Hoffman and movies about great music go together perfectly
5). Sandy Lyle "Along Came Polly"
The throat clearing scene may have been one of the times where me and my coca cola did a spit take.
Love Always,
The girl who loves the movie "Groundhog Day"
so jealous of your life in the best possible way