In New York City, on the tiny island of Manhattan, there are currently around 1,000 coffee shops. I'm not even including everyone's favorite cup-o-joe throwdown, Starbucks or it's middle child syndromed competitor Dunkin' Donuts. I'm talkin' your average, single location, singularly owned "Bob's Coffee" type shop. 1000! Over the bridge a little, in a small part of town called Fort Greene Brooklyn, you'll find a little coffee shop and chocolaterie called Nunu Chocolates. Behind the counter, you'll find a thirtysomething barista with a knack for drawing hearts and feathers in your latte. Welcome to my current world. Smooth coffee, dangerously delicious chocolate delights, cozy seating, soothing music and seductive aromas. Nunu Chocolates is definitely a one stop shop to taunt your deepest temptation and I'm the fairy godmother waiting to deliver your sin of choice. Bippity-Boppity-Boo.

On any given work day, I'm a therapist, savior, blind date show host, mediator, entertainer, comforter, best friend, and punching bag. I've seen first dates, breakups, breakdowns, marriage proposals, a woman finishing her novel, a baby taking his first steps, mild foreplay (Valentine's Day. Don't worry, they left before I broke out the bowl of popcorn), job interviews, instant connections, fresh off the bus visitors, and people having their last cup of Brooklyn joe before leaving the big apple for good. All of this, I've observed quietly behind the counter. It's interesting. New York is the Queen of disconnection. 8 million people wander the city daily and it's never been easier to go through your day without actually encountering another soul. I've been apart of so many moments and witnessed so many stories simply by making lattes. I love that!
I've decided to take my experiences as a barista and add a new section to my blog called "Tales of a Thirtysomething Barista". In addition to my normal NYC ramblings, i'll give you a peak into my crazy coffee experiences. My job is anything but boring and I think it would be fun to share my adventures while I'm there. Plus, you have to find the beauty in a day job, right? I took this job to support myself while pursuing my passions. That doesn't mean that I can't bring my passions to my day job.
Speaking of blogs and passions, I have to say I'm sorry. I haven't been keeping up with this blog. I made an attempt earlier this year and still let writing go on the back burner to other things in my life. Due to that neglect, I've been a bit blocked. The only way to over come a block is just to write. Write what you know. Write the truth. Stay consistent. Definitely adding that word to my 2016 list... Consistent. So here's my new years cheers to positive consistent behavior. *Clink*
Love Always,
The girl who makes a damn fine Mocha Latte.
Top 5 of the Moment
1). Podcasts
"Serial", you beautiful betch. You walk into my life and haunt me with your hourish long tales and now I want more. How dare you? How dare you make me love podcasts?
I've been a podcast fool over the last 6 months. Where have I been? How did I not know how amazing the podcast universe is. Any suggestions for new Podcasts?
2). Ashley Graham
I adore this woman! She's help me a lot when it comes to the confidence department. I've even resulted to putting a picture of her up on my fridge to remind me that body type is just a shell. Confidence in who you are and love for your temple is the new skinny.
3). Oil Pulling
Oil pulling, is an ancient dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes. This action supposedly draws out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health.
I've been oil pulling for alomst a month straight and I am here to say Yes... it works. Research it. Try it. Its amazing.
4). Showtime's "The Affair"
Has anyone watched this show? Its amazing. Its clever and heartbreaking and the acting is perfection. Each episode is told from different points of view and it wows me how they keep up with one person's point of view through the whole series.
5). Blue Apron
Magical. Its the only way to describe this service. Since I had the pleasure of trying a recipe on my recent trip to Florida, I've been promoting this business like its my job. They send you delicious recipes with every ingredient. Plus, you have the added benefit of cooking something you wouldn't normally go for. Its brought me back to my love of cooking.
KIKI!!! You are such a great writer. I always enjoy your blogs so much! Please post more of them, you really are talented. P.S. Oil pulling. Does it make your teeth sensitive? I tried it for about a week, had to get over the gag factor and just when things were going well my teeth got all sensitive. Grrr....
ReplyDeleteNot really. At least not yet. I don't do it everyday so, maybe that helps. I think I may also ad Applr Cider Vin and water to the morning routine now!