Sunday, October 2, 2011


Here it is ladies and gents... the keeper of Halloween, the presenter of falling ruby colored leaves, the acceptable time to BUST OUT your favorite Uggs.... my favorite month and yours...OCTOBER (insert applause here)! Seriously, I know its only the 2nd day of the month, but , you can already feel the change. The weather was so B-E-A- Utiful today! The sun and the amazing breeze floating in my window this morning refused to let me be a lazy bum. So, I put on my "The Big Chill" record and got dress for a day out in the city.

I decided to head over to central park to find a nice rock to sit on and read my Nora Roberts novel (don't give me face about the Nora. I'm planning on reading Stephen King's Misery next. So... I kinda wanna read something right now that I am 100% sure will end with ridiculous, unapologetic happiness). I got off the subway at 50th street, right in front of the Gershwin Theatre (home of "Wicked"). After taking 10 minutes to talk myself out of buying a ticket to see "Wicked" right then and there, I walked down to 59th street, Columbus Circle. I've discovered the secret to bobbing a weaving through the crowds on the street. Now, read this very closely because I'm only gonna write this once. The secret to getting through the crowds without a fuss is..... Rod Stewart's "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy". No, I'm serious. I put my Ipod ear buds in and BAM, I was strutting up the street, floating through the crowds without even so much as a shoulder graze. 

After getting to the park, I settled in, excited about taking in the sun rays. Not five minutes later, a lovely gentlemen with a cooler asked me if I would like to buy a Sam Adams Octoberfest. I figured, why not... Cheers. So, I sat in the sun, with my illegal beer and, in true Makia fashion, opted for people watching instead of reading.

The park was packed with beautiful cliche images of sunny days. Dad's playing catch with their sons. Little girls running around squealing and chasing one another. Individuals laying around in the grass. One in particular with a book over her face taking an afternoon nap. An incredibly good looking man playing fetch with his dog. *Sigh* He was really cute. Why oh why was I born without flirting skills?  Anyhoo, where was I... oh yes, couples cuddling on a nearby park bench, holding hands and staring at each other as if the park belonged to only them. All of this, happening over the sounds of a young musician covering Rolling Stones' classics on his accordion. Yep, it was that cheesy... and that wonderful. 

After a lovely couple of Central Park hours, I wandered over to the village to meet my roommate for a late lunch. We decided to go to Tea & Sympathy. This place is amazing. A "must see" of NYC. Its a little cafe where you can have an amazing British tea along with delicious scones and alluring entrees. Everything in this place makes you feel like Kate Middleton having a proper tea time in London. Right down to the amazing ladies who run the place. Today, I had the Rose Petal tea (yummy), scones with Raspberry Jam (extra yummy) and sausage with mashed potatoes (Explosion of yum). The entire place is decorated with cute little tea pots, lacy table cloths and pictures of British icons. Love it! Here's a picture of the amazing spread my roomy and I had. 
                             Alice in Wonderland tea pot... cuuuute.  Seriously, if you are in NYC, go there!

During our amazing late lunch, the rain started to come down. It was time to go home. But, I will have plenty more beautiful days before the dreaded New York winter weather hits us. As the season changes, so does my current path. The movie that I've been working on is coming to an end soon. Normally, I would be terrified. "What am I gonna do next?" would be the constant question plaguing me. But, for some reason or another I don't feel worried. Maybe its the excitement of the city or maybe my optimism is on overload at the moment. There are so many opportunities here that I have a feeling more than one will be knocking on my door. And I, the gracious hostess that I am, will open the door with fresh baked cookies and a welcoming smile. Until next time....

                            What I’m Diggin’ On Right Now
1). Fall TV shows
          Thank you so much TV Gods. Most of the brand new fall shows are amazing. "New Girl", "Up All Night", "Panam", and "Revenge" are just a few of my new jams. Ohhh boy!!

2)."Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close"
          Has anyone seen this trailer? It should be named "Uncontrollable tears and Ridiculous amounts of Oscar Buzz". I can't wait to see it!

3). Pinterest
         Pinterest is basically an online pinboard where you can collect the things you love and "pin" them to your profile. Basically another way for me to waist time at work. LOOOOOVVVVVEE It!

4). This random, AWESOME, dance scene in "Footloose"
           With the release of the "Footloose" remake upon us, I couldn't help but to watch the original. This scene pretty much cracks me up and makes me want to dance at the same time. If they mess this up in the new movie.... (shakes head). 

5). Piper.
       I really just wanted an excuse to put up a picture of her. Isn't she cute?

6). Halloween specials/movies and Horror classics

        Tis the season to watch cheesy halloween specials on tv, watch "Hocus Pocus" about 3 times and scare myself silly by watching "Halloween" and "The Exorcist". 

7). My mother's visit
        In just a couple of weeks, my mom will be visiting me in NYC! I can't wait to show her around and impress her with my new Yankee lingo. 
                                My mom, my aunt and me :)

8). Stephen King
           I've never read a Stephen King novel before. I've decided to get pumped for Halloween by freaking myself out and reading "Misery", "The Shinning" and "It". Why would anyone do this to themselves?

9). Fall Fashion
        sandals out.... awesome new boots and tights in. Summer is not an easy time for a plus size girl. Bikini's... nope. Cute shorts... nope. Strapless top... don't make me laugh. That's right skinny girl on the train, I look just as awesome as you today. BOOM.

10). Warm beverages.
              Goodbye cold lemonade. Hello to warm tea, hot chocolate, Butterbeer and Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Don't call it a comeback... i'm not gonna. 

Love Always,
      The girl who cries during "Let's Go Fly A Kite" because she knows it's the end of the movie. :(


  1. You and I both know there is NOTHING wrong with Nora!!!! Also Fall is BOOT SEASON as well the only time for some crazy reason designers remember that people have size 11 feet. Love the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. can you send that beautiful fall weather my way? the jeep said 98 this weekend. i've packed all the summer colored clothes, i am forcing fall to happen!
