Change #1: Career Moves
Like the city, I've had this anxious buzz flowing around me lately. Anxious to try something different. Anxious to move to the next step. So, after taking another accounting clerk job, I made the decision that it would be my last for a while. I wanted to pursue my dreams full time. It's amazing what happens when you close your eyes and just leap out on faith. I've been getting more auditions in the last few weeks than I've had in the last few years. With the pick up in my auditioning, there's also been a pick up in rejection. I've been knocked on my ass by rejection in this business so much that I swear I can feel bruises. But honestly, I have to say that I have never been more excited to hear a "NO" in my life. I just keep tallying them up because that yes... it's coming. If I have to take another accounting job in the future, I will. You do what you HAVE to do so that you can do what you WANT to do. But for now, I'm gonna roll with this and wear my determination like a bold red lipstick.
Change #2: Weight Loss
If anyone ever says to me "Losing weight isn't that hard", I'm going to bitch smack them in the ear. This weight loss journey... what can I say? It's equal parts exhilarating and frustrating. Not to mention that it feels like it's moving at the speed of a parked car. I actually went to a doctor because I felt that something was going on with my body that wouldn't let me loose. But, the simple answer was... It took a long time to get this way and its gonna take a while to get rid of it. So, not only am I exercising my body, I'm also exercising my patience. Doing this the right, healthy way is slow and steady but, I've heard that slow and steady wins the race so.... gotta keep on pushin'. One thing I have noticed is my need growing for all things healthy. Its no secret that I've slid back into old habits a time or two but, lately, I've been wanting healthier options. I want a bowl of fruit instead of a bag of chips. I want my morning workout. I see my addictions changing for the better. And it's true, tomorrow when I look in the mirror, I won't see a body that will cause Beyonce jealously but, hopefully, I will see a body that makes me proud. A work in progress.
Change #3: Makia... I am your father
This time last year, I was writing a Father's Day blog dedicated to my dad, a person I hardly knew. Most of you know that my father was rarely apart of my life when I was younger. Even more so, when I was a teenager. Then one day, he just... disappeared. I haven't seen my father in 11 years. So, imagine my stunned surprise when I received a phone call a couple of weeks ago from none other than the man himself. This was probably the strangest day of my life. I'd pretty much accepted the fact that I would never speak with my father again and now, here he was. We talked for hours that night and about everything under the sun. I learned information about my family and also things about my dad that I never knew. I'm a lot like him. Since that night, I've talked to my father every day. Mostly, our conversations start with "So what happened in your life during (insert year here). He wants to be apart of my life. What shocks me the most about this is how easily we've connected. I plan on taking this slowly, one day at a time style but still, it's hard for me not to feel completely giddy and hopeful about him. I know most of you are wondering why I would share something so personal on this blog. The truth is sadly, I know a lot of people who also didn't have a solid relationship with their fathers as a child. I know most would understand. I don't know if that makes sense but, I just wanted to share this piece of honesty.
Change #4: ME
I took a picture of myself while typing this blog because I noticed that I just couldn't stop smiling like a fool. I've been in NYC for 2 years now (officially on June 16) and thinking about that just gave me this overwhelming sense of gratitude. I'm so thankful to be where I am right now in this moment. The last 2 years have been unbelievable. Without sounding like a classic movie slow clap speech, I have to state that I've grown so so so much in that time. I'm becoming an extension of the city with its dominance and allure and energy and independence and hope. I've met so many amazing people here and gotten closer to those I already knew. I know it's pretty ridiculous to write about my changes at the moment because as people, we are ever changing. It doesn't stop. In six month I'll probably write another blog about a completely new set of events. Right now, I'm making room for them. Room in my heart for all the love I have to give. Room in my mind for all the things I will learn. So, happy anniversary New York City. You've been just as good for me as I hope I've been for you. *Sigh* I really tried not to make this a slow clap moment. Really! I did. I'm just cheesy and since I'm 29, I'm pretty sure the cheese is here to stay.
Until Next time......
5 Songs With The Word "Change" In The Title
1). "Changes" by David Bowie
2). "Change Your Mind" by The Killers
3). "A Change Is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke
4). "Change The World" by Eric Clapton
5). "A Change Would Do You Good" by Sheryl Crow
Love Always,
The girl who can't stop dancing to "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk
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